Yahhhhh! Terry's home. He returned Friday afternoon and we've been enjoying him very much. Poor guy, all Noah wanted the instant he came in the house was to play games, which of course is a video game...since mommy does not play them. The other "poor Terry" thing is that he worked 24/7 for 6, almost 7, days and can't really take any time off b/c he has to get ready for another thing next week - a camp where he takes the kids to be cabin leaders and he watches over them. He will also be doing the worship time. Needless to say, the man is busy (and a 4 hour meeting tonight). Ug. But the camp is under a half hour away so I will be visiting often.
Right after that camp we will be traveling back to the Black Hills with some youth to visit Hills Alive. So he also has to get ready for that. But at least we'll be going along.
Terry said one of the highlights of his trip was on the last night (I think) where an awesome skit was performed x4. I mean that the stage for the conference was set in the middle of a room with seats all around it. So on each side of the stage an awesome skit to the song Everything by Lifehouse was performed; think 4 skits in 1. Please go to www.youtube.com and view this! It's sooooo great. Just search for "lifehouse's everything skit" and it is be the first video on the results list - 6 million views. Or click here: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lifehouse%27s+everything+skit&search_type=&aq=f
Hey! We might be in Rapid around the same time. Micah's 10 yr. reunion is that weekend. We are thinking of heading that way. Maybe there will be time to meet up.....Oh, glad I could answer your questions regarding the birds and worms. Great minds think alike!