Wednesday, December 21, 2011

nose in a book

This is me lately. See that pile of books next to her? And how you can't even see her face? Exactly. This is why I haven't been blogging much, if you wondered, though you probably haven't. But no matter at my lack of readers, I've missed blogging.

I love to read. But it's difficult to stop. I get way too into a story, too involved. I was depressed for two weeks after I finished Lord of the Rings (my favorite).

My friend Amber warned me. I'd been borrowing a lot of her books - pretty much going through her entire library. I asked her to just bring me whatever book she thought I should read next. She brought me the first in the Karen Kingbury's Redemption series and told me it was just in the first in a long line of books (2 more series, possibly 3) and I'd want to read them all. She was right.

I'm addicted. But not in the happy sense. I just have to know what happens in the end so I can rest. I've been very irritated with all the drama in these books. What these books are is Christian soap operas. HIV? Yes. Affairs? Yes. Murder? Yes. Enough miscommunication to drive me up a wall? YES. I am not a fan of drama. But of course, I've become too emotionally involved in the characters so I can't just stop reading. My frustration reached an all time high yesterday that I called my sister-in-law Shari and asked her to spoil the upcoming plot for me. I just cannot deal with the drama. And I'm glad I know what's coming in the last two books. Then I can relax and enjoy it a little more and be content to allow the characters be absolute idiots.

There. I'm done complaining.

Here's the first 5

The next 4

And the last 4. I am two from being done. I can't wait.
I could continue on with another series about a side-lining character, but I don't think I can handle it. Karen Kingsbury is a good writer, but I just can't deal. Perhaps I'll feel differently when I'm done...

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