Saturday, January 4, 2014

Kveene Christmas 2013

Since Nathan and Ana were in Michigan with her folks for Christmas, we waited to celebrate with them until January 3rd. But it was worth it to be together (as together as we could be without Stephers and Steve :(  ).  

We decided to get together at our place since mom and dad didn't do a tree this year and Nathan and Ana's is a little small for all our kids. That made it a little difficult to make mom and dad's gift work. But I managed it by convincing mom that I really needed extra help getting the ham ready. In reality, I was just fine on my own and it was done by the time she got here. But I whined so they would come over here earlier and Terry and Nathan could go to their house in order to install their gift in secrecy. Muhahahaha! They were completely clueless. Dad did ask where Terry was. "Running errands," I said, which was pretty true and no one was concerned. Twenty minutes until dinner Mom asked where Nathan and Ana were and that they could have been here sooner. I said I didn't know and then that she had juice to prepare, which was kind of true. They all arrived just in time for dinner and no harm was done. 

After we were done eating and cleaning up, with many questions from the kids about when we'd be done (how well I remember asking that when I was little), we headed to the living room to get started on the good stuff. 

Noah was given the job of reading the labels.  

Noah then gave Evie the gifts and she handed them out. It took a little for her to understand it was her job. At first she kept giving them to Daddy to distribute. 

Nathan is quite excited about our gift, which ended up being a Lord of the Rings Risk game. 

My dad and mom. 

Terry and I very squished in the chair. 

Nathan and Ana got Samuel a tool set, complete with tool box. He loves it. It's definitely his favorite new toy. As I type, he just brought up his box to play with. 

It was funny how extremely excited Evie was to get an umbrella (from Nathan and Ana). But she was.  After the other Christmases, she was quick to inform us that she had not received her umbrella yet. Silly punk. She also got that adorable scarf and a box of play clothes and accessories from Gramma and Grampa. 

Nathan and Ana got Noah these rainbow markers and Gramma and Grampa gave him some BB gun accessories. 

Mom about died laughing when she saw her secret gift. Not actually though. For some reason it was hilarious to her that Nathan had put a photo upside down in its frame. The giggles are unpredictable I suppose :)

The largest box was for Mom and Dad and they were clueless as to what it was. We re-wrapped the box that their gift came in. 
Yup. We got them a toilet. I guess we're on a bathroom kick since last year we got them new towels. Call us practical but their old one was original to the house, circa 1982.

Nathan and Ana couldn't resist this hat for Ezra. I can understand why. GAH! IT'S SO CUTE!

"Lord I thank you for this blessed hat!" 

After the kids were in bed, we broke in another gift. Mom and Dad got Nathan a Star Trek Settlers game. Terry and I have played Settlers of Catan so many times that I'm pretty sick of it most of the time. And this one started so slow that I was very skeptical, but it turned out to be really fun. I suppose it didn't hurt that I won :P

Here's a bad close up of the game. Star ships are roads, Outposts are settlements and Starbases are cities. It's more fun than Catan because there are these extra "support cards" that help move the game along. Plus, you get to trade in weird stuff like Dilithium, Tritanium, Oxygen, Food and Water. Or Red, Green, Yellow, Blue and White. Because what the heck is Dilithium and Tritanium?

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