Thursday, August 14, 2014

passing down dresses

The last thing my mom made for me was a sweater for Ezra. But she used to make a lot of clothes for my sister and I when we were little. I visited my folks a couple weeks ago after they had returned from a long trip to the east coast with my sister and my mom pulled out all these old dresses from our childhood. Apparently I was a brat and didn't want baby boy stuff when Noah was a baby but now I've gotten over myself and think it's great to see Evie in old stuff of mine and my sister's.

Here is the first dress she chose to wear. Originally I thought this dress was mine, but my sister corrected me. She has a better memory about these things I guess. It was hers!

Here's Steph in 1st grade :)

Here is my kindergarden school picture in this mom-made red dress...

And here is six year old Evie in it this last Sunday. She's starting first grade this year.

This must have been around that same time, perhaps even the same year or next. My sister and I have on coordinating mom-made dresses (and as a side note, Nathan looks particularly like Samuel here).

Evie wearing my same dress! I might have to pull this one out again for Christmas.

This mom-made dress was again Stephanie's and now Evie has it. I really like it (another Samuel-face from Nathan. or perhaps it is be a Nathan-face that Samuel does...). 

How pretty!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! I see so much of Nathan in your dad in that last picture! Crazy!! I also like the pose Steph is doing in the fourth picture. :)
