Friday, January 2, 2009

fun in the snow

Sweet hat, right?

After lunch on Christmas day, while Evie was sleeping, we all headed out to play in the snow on the ranch. The snow from the huge blizzard in November was still there in the drifts, but they were bigger again b/c of all the snow they'd been getting since. It seems like there was never a white Christmas when we lived there! It was so pretty.

It had been below zero every day until this day so even though it was just above freezing (if that), it felt quite warm to us. Terry pulled Noah and I around in that huge sled behind the 4 wheeler (I have fond memories of doing this b/c this was what I did w/Terry the first time I hung out w/him when I came to visit Shari at the ranch during Spring Break 2002). We went in a few fields and on the gravel road. He only dumped us once, which is my favorite part. But I felt a little bad since I landed on my belly w/Noah directly underneath me. =) Snap, who we had scooped up since he was chasing us, ducked out before or during the actual dumping so he was safe.

When Terry took us back to the house for Noah to explore the drifts, Shari wanted to go so Jesse drove her and I. He did pretty well but slowed down enough on the road for us to catch up with him and then accelerated again which dumped us in the ditch. There was lots of soft snow there so we forgave him. I thought it was great! Shari on the other hand, didn't have on snow pants.

The super huge snow drift to the north east of the house. If you could measure down to the bare ground, it had be at least 10 feet tall. With the snow at the bottom it was probably closer to 6ft.
Noah exploring. He could just walk right over the barbed wire.

The lovebirds w/the sun to their back.

Nice. See how high up they are in relation to the trees and house?!

Apparently Shari's boots lacked traction b/c she biffed it. I think Jesse is laughing at her... =)

I jumped from the top of the drift w/Noah on my lap. He's okay - just looks smooshed but he's really not.

Snap jumped after us.

Jesse was throwing snow up in the air while Shari tried to block it and Terry tried to get the shot
I like this one b/c it kinda looks artificial - like that's a fake canvas background behind them in a studio.

Me relaxing in my sweet borrowed snow pants...and coat and gloves.

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