Saturday, September 7, 2019

When it's finally summer vacation...

When it's been a very long year due to additional running around not previously experienced before (hello Cross Country and Track driving an hour every day), you celebrate summer vacation. 

When it's finally summer vacation, you take the New Yorker out cruising. You go eat ice cream at Armadillos. 

You go play at Dinosaur Park.

You sit on all the tails. 

You take bad selfies.

Point towards the west. 

Climb up dinosaurs. 

Terry and I went for a date. Those Olive Garden commercials worked on me. I got the *enormous* chicken parmigiana. Ha ha.

I planted all my flowers early (May 13) since they were slow last year. I should've waited because the weather turned cold after this for the rest of May (and most of June). It rained like every day and dahlias like heat.

My petunias have done amazing this summer though.

We ate lunch outside on the deck with the kitty.

I changed over the boys winter and summer clothes and got rid of others. That job always makes me sad. They're growing so much every year!

We went to the ranch and were greeted with two tiny cold just born kittens that Alice asked if we'd like to nurse back to health.

That would've been great for the kids but we had our two mission trip to Mexico and L.A. to think of.

We wandered around the ranch.

We visited Terry's grandma's place. Her perennials are still going strong even though she's gone. 😔 We were out there to get her old dryer.

Chicken watching.

Chicken holding.

Kitten holding and watching The Price Is Right. We did that every day this summer.

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