Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Noah & Evie to Rainbow 2017

On Monday, August 7, 2017 we dropped Noah and Evie off at Rainbow Bible camp for their second and final week there together

Noah's best bud Jack also attended so he was rather excited.

I was trying to capture the kids giving their little brothers good bye but Evie turned out looking like a rag dog. It had been so cute.

Terry, the littles, and I had been out at the ranch since the day before since we rented our house for the Rally plus helping Terry's dad on a project, so we had half the normal drive to Rainbow on Friday the 11th for the rodeo. But a sizable cloud followed us out and we were surprised that it actually rained. We've had a bad drought this summer and have grown accustomed to never receiving rain. Really it was only wet enough to keep the dust down, but they did postpone the rodeo until after it quit.

Their waterhole is pathetically empty this year, it's sad.

They shortened the rodeo due to the rain and Noah had to get back in line (he had been on a horse ready to go while it was raining). Finally it was his turn for pole bending. 

Noah said he wasn't scared of the horses like two years ago and that he didn't have that slow of a horse. 

Seemed a little slow to us though!

Noah's ride. I am standing next to Jana who is kindly sheltering me and my camera from the sprinkles with her umbrella.

Evie was nowhere near the front of the line so we did a lot of waiting, even despite the rodeo being shortened. Terry stood at the back of the building and kept an eye on the littles 

Samuel and Ezra probably had the most fun ever at this year's rodeo since they were able to throw rocks in the green waterhole.

Jack went before Evie and was a very good horseman. He rides at his Grandpa's.

Finally, near the end, as you can tell by that line of kids watching, it was Evie's turn.

She or her horse were pretty quick!

She could hear us cheering her on and gave us a big smile. She's so darn cute on those horses, the way she bounces up and down and her hair flaps.

See how cute here:


From there we went inside and had roast beef sandwiches and then watched the kids' program. Evie's in the middle and Noah is on the left.

This was the song Robin wrote for last year's camp and I really love it. Evie does too, she sang it from memory for the talent show the night before. Sure wish I could've seen that.

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