Monday, September 4, 2017

sabbatical fishing and biking

After we returned from our six day trip to the Montana cabin, we had only a couple weeks of sabbatical left to soak up. One thing we had meant to do every summer but especially this summer had still eluded us - fishing. 
Terry and the kids are on the opposite bank from the island on Canyon Lake where me and Luna were at.

On Wednesday, August 2nd, after I returned from mountain biking, I pulled into our driveway to find Terry instructing the littles how to cast a fishing pole in our front yard. It was so cute! Samuel and Ezra were doing pretty darn well! Oh and notice how lovely all my flowers looked before the giant hail storm took most of them out a week and a half later.

We hadn't fished all together since 2012 I believe, since before Ezra was born! We kept it simple that day and just went down to nearby Canyon Lake. Evie is checking out "Friendly Duck" while she fishes. That duck hung out with us the whole time.

Everyone but Ezra is lined up, Samuel, Friendly Duck (ha!) Evie, Noah, and Terry. We didn't catch a thing that day but still had fun.

I love this little video. Samuel, "Ezra, lemme go to mom..." (plink by Ezra's little bobber). Ezra, "Go, go around!" I stopped just in time to avoid the inevitable fight.

The very next night, Thursday August 3rd, we checked another thing off our summer list - a family bike ride. Samuel and Ezra had never taken part by riding their own bikes before!

We started from our house and met Sarah and Savanah by the Sioux Park tennis courts. It was two and a half miles to reach that far and Ezra made it nearly all that way on his own Strider bike. This was in Mary Park and shortly after Terry started pulling him.

Once we joined up with Sarah and Savanah we continued on to the bike path through Sioux Park, past McDonalds and under the Omaha bridge to the bike park next to Uhaul. I waited to take part for a bit and just enjoyed myself by watching and taking pictures and video. We had never ever been to this place and it was so, so much fun!

Firstly they started out on this little loop. Ezra was adorable on it. He was having a blast.

See? Stinking cute!

We had the best time that night.

There's Ezra followed by Savanah. He fell three times and was absolutely filthy but he always got back up for more.

Noah, Evie, Sarah, Savanah


He was bookin!

After about an hour at the bike park we progressed down the bike path to the Fish where we turned around.

I zoomed in and had to laugh at Savanah being all cool, giving me double peace signs. What a fun night that was!

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