Thursday, March 24, 2011

too cool for...

Terry had a Christian music group perform in lieu of youth group last night. VOTA is their name. We first heard them perform before David Crowder a couple years ago and bought their CD and have been enjoying it ever since. They were great!

A couple of the band members happened to have been home-schooled. So they had this conversation about that and how I had given Terry the responsibility for coming up with a name for our home-school (you have to have a name for the paperwork). The lead singer had a good idea:

The Too-Cool-for School.

Haha! No offense or anything, I just think it's funny and different. Most names are pretty generic, something to do with where you live or your last name. I did hear a good one last year at the convention: The School of Hard Knocks. We'll see if we can come up with anything better.

Furthermore, if you're interested in our home-school education choice, I just read a really great article: Mixed-Age Classrooms by Andrew Pudewa. Just click on that link to read it. I had never really thought of all the things he wrote about. He's got a very good perspective.

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