Saturday, May 26, 2012


Recognized the photo below? What about the story behind it illustrating how crazy Samuel is?

Well now I have more stories. We often call Samuel "Destroyer Baby" because he gets into everything, wreaking havoc wherever he is - just this minute I had to take sunglasses away from him from a drawer he's not supposed to be in and put away files he pulled out that again, he's not supposed to be in.

But perhaps he gets it from my brother Nathan since in this photo from the 1980's, Nathan was doing something very similar to what Samuel did this week - getting into the corner lazy susan cupboard in this house. Nathan was after saltine crackers...

...Samuel was after Cheerios. Snap enjoyed this particular excursion.

I had stepped into the house for a few minutes while the kids were on the back patio playing. I went back out when I heard Samuel crying, just carrying on and freaking out. I found him stranded next on this "ledge" next to the window. Yes, I proceeded to go back inside to grab the camera before I rescued him. He was fine by the way. Anyway, he's fallen farther :P

While Noah and I were at the surgery hospital getting his broken arm re-aligned, Samuel grabbed Evie's milk off the table and spilled it on his face. I love the fact that Terry grabbed his phone and snapped a shot before he cleaned him up, just like I would have done.

And the icing on the cake is that last week after Samuel had been in the back yard playing for a while, I found two pieces of Snap dog poop in the cup holder of his wagon that he had apparently been playing with. I proceeded to go on pooper scooper duty, though there wasn't even that much on the lawn since it had only been a couple days since I had cleaned up after Snap poop dog face. I wonder what shenanigans Samuel will get into next?

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