Monday, August 25, 2008

Noah at fun

My parents arrived yesterday (Sunday) afternoon for a visit that will last thru Friday or Saturday. I was busy after church making a chicken chili in the crock pot for that night and Noah was playing in his old toy that Evie now occupies when I'm busy...except this time she was napping. I turned around to see Noah doing this (first photo) and obviously I had to take a break and grab the camera:

These last shots are from Saturday evening and our play time outside. Terry decided to water this area of our lawn that we planted grass on in the spring. Noah's never really like sprinklers before so I was surprised to see him make a bee line for the water and play in it. Usually he's all about putting on his swimming trunks b/c he's just like that. You know, can't get dirty, etc. But no, he just went for it in his clothes!

Is Terry great with the camera or what?! I love this photo!


  1. I love how the water is frozen and not blurry.

  2. i like the red shoes in the grass!


  3. The picture of Noah playing in his old "entertainment center" is too funny!!! Did he require help getting out of that position? Too bad you didn't get a video.
