The weather changes quickly here. One day it's snowing, the next it's too hot for coats and everyone is wearing sandals...or in Noah's case, underwear.
Noah has a lot of energy and prefers to get outside as much as possible. We do this after lunch in the summer. But now that it's getting cold out, we haven't been doing that everyday. Still, even when it's cold out, he wants out there. I'm thankful when Terry is home for these outings.
Tuesday Oct. 21, 08: Here's Evie and I on the back porch swing while Terry was swinging Noah. It was pretty chilly so I just put Evie in Terry's coat...and I just realized this is reminiscent of Alien. Oh well. I thought it was cute.
I wanted to go outside but it was spitting a little so I grabbed Evie's froggie hat that my mom made this summer. Awwwww!
Noah bundled on the swing.
Noah bundled on the swing.
Wednesday, Oct 22, 08: This was before youth group last week and it was raining pretty good but Noah still wanted out. Yeah, pretty wet.
Saturday, Oct 25, 08: This is just 3 days later on Saturday! Yes, Terry was outside with Noah again and Noah insisted on extracting the pool from its hibernation in the shed, which it was happy to do apparently. I came out just in time to see Terry filling it with water! Yeah, October 25th!!! In his defense, it was like 70 degrees out.
However, Noah did keep hopping onto that little shelf b/c the water was so cold. "Bird! Too cold!" he would say. Translation: Bird means Brrrrr.
However, Noah did keep hopping onto that little shelf b/c the water was so cold. "Bird! Too cold!" he would say. Translation: Bird means Brrrrr.
Sliding action.
We told him to keep his underwear on but when Terry was mowing the lawn (he says for the last time), he looked up to see Noah running at got it, naked.
LOVE that first picture of Evie in your coat! You look so pretty and she, as usual, adorable.