Wednesday, September 23, 2009

homeschool and SYATP

This is how Terry's day started: 7am at the school for See You at the Pole. There were about 20 students there, most of whom Terry said we know. So proud of those students =).
So dark eh? I was at home trying unsuccessfully to get back to sleep.
Here I think they are almost done. Significantly brighter.
So, we decided back in the spring that we were definitely going to home school. The next step was choosing a curriculum. There is a lot out there which was overwhelming. I talked to all of my friends who already home school to get their opinions. That was helpful. I knew I really just wanted something that wasn't a whole lot of work - making my own lessons or going to the library to find books.
So we decided on Sonlight for at least this year. And this year is only preschool so it's not too big of a deal. Well, it's a big enough deal that I wanted to be more serious about it though. I'm an oxymoron.
Anyway, I think it's a good one (not that I know much). It's all included though, the books and the plans and the wardrobe (he he), so that's just want I really wanted.
We ordered two days ago and it arrived today! Here are pics. Notice Evie's super cute garage sale shirt? Love it.

As a bonus for me, I received the required home school denim jumper with the books. Pictures to come soon. Just kidding =0. How awesome would that be though. HA!

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