Our front lawn never gets used. There's no fence and high school kids drive way too fast by our house...not to mention the semi trucks that shake our house.
But Snap got his haircut today and I wanted to show him off to the passing cars. Plus, I needed to clean out Evie's stroller that rolled into the geese-poop infested lake a week and a half ago. Oh this is funny...
Terry and a few students were disc golfing. I was waiting for them to finish at the 9th hole while the kids threw rocks into the water...though I think Noah might have mistaken some hardened goose poo for a rock judging by a couple of the splashes. Anyway, I had my back turned on the stroller and suddenly heard it moving behind me. I turned out to see it roll into the lake! It was so crazy windy up there that the wind turned it and rolled it down the hill. So I ran down there and pulled it up by it's back wheel, glancing over my shoulder to see if the boys had noticed. They come running over, mistaking my look for a plea for help. They thought Evie was still strapped in to the thing! Well, they were relieved and then we all had a laugh about what had happened.
I should have washed the thing out as soon as we got home but I needed to start dinner and had company (my friend Olivia from nursing school - we had a nice time), so I didn't clean it. Today I decided to do it since it's gorgeous out.
Here it is all cleaned up. Evie had to play in the puddle of course. That girl loves to be outside quite a lot more than Noah. He wanted to watch Bolt...
Snap dog lookin fine with his new 'do.
Doesn't he look great! The money is totally worth it. He was SO scruffy before.
This is kinda lame to put up, but I thought it was neat that my kids found it so interesting to watch the water make it's way down the street. I was fond of making dams and mud pies in the gutter when I was little, but then I grew up in town. Terry had an actual creek to play around in. I would have been so jealous back then, had I known.
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