Last weekend was our annual youth group ski trip to Snowy Range, WY! It was Terry's third trip and my second.
Here is last year's post, complete with video!
Last year I had a good time but did not prove to be a very good skier at all! I remember getting talked into going down with a few girls who I thought I could keep up with but they totally ditched me. And to top that off, I attempted to go solo down this really steep blue run called Virginian and I went and found Terry, rode up the ski lift with him and cried into his shoulder =(. I felt terrible that I was no good.
This year, I did a lot better! I perfected my snowplow and finally began to learn to go side to side to slow down. Plus, I had a friend - Brenda. She's a fellow leader and she's awesome. The first year her son hit a tree and was life-flighted to CO. This year her daughter totally broke her wrist. Not such a good record for her family! But me and Bren Bren were amazing. We matched each other's speed so we always had someone to hang out with. A great time was had by all despite the very poor sleep.
Here are a few photos of me, and one of Terry. He's making a sweet video for youth group so I will post that later.
Here is our pastor's youngest son Jon having just caused me to crash by crashing in front of me. It was epic. I whined a lot but really enjoyed it. It's stories like that that make it great.
I would look a lot less frumpy if I didn't have two full water bottles in my front chest pockets... And if my coat fit... And if it wasn't so long... Yeah, pretty much, I looked like a dork. But I had fun!
Okay, this is so sweet b/c this is Virginian! Brenda and I totally worked it out and overcame our fears. When we asked Emily if she wanted to go down with us, it was classic. We were like, Wanna come with us? Em: Where? Us: Virginian. Em: NOPE (without even missing a beat). But she came as well and did as good as we did. YES!
Notice, I look like a dork face again with my huge snowplow. But at least I'm safe.
I'm off to the right there and that's Siera in front of me. We're about to head through the trees to watch all the "cool" kids do their jumps.
This is Sarah, another leader, and I. She's quite a good skier. I could not keep up with her!
We are just about to head off the mountain after our second day of skiing. Terry and I had fun!
Here is Terry giving one of our favorite students, Chris, an award, though I can't recall what he got... Oops! (we gave about half the kids awards).
And here our group is in front of Darwin's bus at Table in the Wilderness, where we stayed. We took 30 kids!!!