Friday, July 29, 2011

faith like one of these

We have learned that God seems to take Noah's prayers seriously. Very often we have him pray about various things and he gets a response. If we need an answer to something, we have Noah pray. For real.

Examples of Noah's answered prayers:
1. Samuel
2. Lots of lost toys, found
3. Owies healed
4. Monsters fleeing
5. Snap dog found many, many times

Today Terry took the kids and Snap to the building to print just a few shirts. They neglected to let Snap inside. (This happened a few weeks ago at the building and someone else found Snap in town and gave us a call [after we prayed].)

Noah suggested right away that they pray for Snap to return to the building. Terry thought perhaps that might be asking a little much since he had clearly taken off and last time he was not found near the building. So Terry suggested they pray to find him in town or at the building. No, Noah was insistent on praying for Snap to return to the building. So that's what they prayed for.

Then they went ahead and finished the shirts, ran a couple errands and then drove around town looking for Snap - to no avail. Terry was just about to give up when he thought they'd better check up at the building since Noah prayed specifically for that and was quite insistent about it. And there was Snap.

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe you have received it, and it will be yours." Matthew 11:24

"'Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly truly I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.'"


  1. awwww Noah. He is such a good kid. He has a great heart and he has great faith, even at such a young age.

  2. Don't you love that God reminds us of his faithfulness and love through our children? I am always amazed by the lessons I learn from God via the little man. You will have such great stories to share with him as he grows.
