Wednesday, June 27, 2018

last day of school 2017/2018!

Since we started a week late last year, our school year extended a week later into May than any of us wanted to go. I was doing well all year long not getting worn out, but the last few weeks were trying. I just wanted a break. So did the kids too of course but we made it!

We finished Thursday, May 17. This was what Samuel looked like most the year, working away at that little coffee table for about an hour.

Kids hard at work and Luna waiting patiently like she did everyday. 

Another vantage point.

Noah and Evie would take solitary turns in his room to go over Latin cards (look at that huge pile she's got!) and to read. I like Trouncer's expression. He always "had to" be in there with them and he quiet enjoyed the snuggling. The kids would walk around the house looking for the cat before they'd settle to do their work in there. 😂 Now that it's summer Trouncer stays outside pretty much all the time.

 Chin up Evie, you're almost done! But uh oh, that book in front of her reminds me that we were supposed to finish it. We haven't. A break just feels too good.

Noah finished his Latin too.


I take pictures of all their narrations, summarie,s and book reports every year and it makes me feel like, "Yeah, we did accomplish something this year." This is one of Evie's summaries from Beowulf from the beginning of the year. We read about the the Middle Ages this year.

We would have full size pages too. Both sides would generally be completely full since she's summarize whatever reading we did every day. 

That's all her work.

This is the first page of Samuel's sentences from the beginning of the year...

...and unfortunately it appears that his handwriting got worse, not better. Uh oh. But his reading did improve, and that's much more important. Math comes more naturally to him I'd say.

That's all his work from the past two years, though not much is actually from Kindergarten. 

Noah had a ton! I think he grew a lot in his writing this year. 

There are the calendars that I used to track everything we did (they're double sided). Those also made me feel accomplished.

The kids finished school pretty quick that day and then waited upstairs for me while I put things away and took a few pictures. They were reading! Even Samuel was reading to Ezra! 💙

Evie the reader.

Noah the reader. My kids like to read. What else is there to do? 

Time for last day of school pictures!

Ezra is incapable of standing normally. 

One more.

This is what everyone looked like on the first day of school back on August 28, 2017. Ezra is wearing that red shirt of Samuel's now, though it is a little big. I had to retire all of Ezra's stuff from last summer. Noah outgrew practically all of his old shorts and his jeans he did twice! 

Noah especially has grown a ton. He just keeps stretching. 

Evie decided she doesn't want to cut her hair short this summer.

Cute little Samuel.

My wee little Dwidge Dwidgie, Ezra. 

I asked Samuel to remake some of the reading he was doing with Ezra. He really has come a long way. He has more to go and I have a feeling Ezra will catch up pretty quickly.

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