Here is our 2011 Christmas card. I loved them this year. I got them from vistaprint because I could include a letter on the back. The photo is from my sister's wedding - we don't usually look so good.
If you received one of these and didn't check the back, check now! Here's the letter.
I forgot to include one thing in the letter though. Apparently we had too much fun this year. Otherwise, how could I forgot to include our trip to Denver to see U2 our most favorite-est band ever?! I have no idea. It was May 21, 2011 and we went with our friends the Whites and NO kids, even though Samuel was only 3 months old.
And how could I forget to include video footage proof of our concert experience? I will be amending my original post.
So happy we got one of these in the mail! Happy New Year!