Friday, December 30, 2011

school project 6 & 7

Science projects are one of Noah's favorite (could be b/c there's a DVD involved) but lately they've just been "meh."

I'm behind but we did do a lesson about yeast and I had Noah help me make bread.

On November 20 the lesson was to see what different kinds of things were like when you froze them. We didn't get into why some things freeze well and others didn't (like ketchup), but I still remember learning that in high school chemistry (which I loved).

Water, milk, ketchup, pop and juice with bananas.

Apparently Sid the Science kid already beat me to this lesson b/c Noah said that we should make frozen ice pop things like the show did. And he wanted to add bananas. So I did my best with toothpicks.

Evie didn't like it. Noah did, until he got to the banana. Then he insisted on throwing it away. Go figure.

This was December 20. We made our own bubble mix and wire bubble blowers.

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