Friday, December 2, 2011

thanksgiving 2011

Every year Terry's family does their big together time Thanksgiving. This year we landed at Sturgis in a big gym.

Samuel enjoyed Tawnya's kids toy. It was funny until he set it off while we were praying. Well, maybe that was still funny.

Noah had fun with balls and running. Mostly running though. That kid likes to run.

Daddy overcame his post eating (over-eating) dizziness by playing some basketball with Jesse, our brother in law. Cousins Samuel and Grace were so helpful too.

Evie got in on some Red Rover - thankfully none of the kids were strong enough to bust any arms. The girl with the glasses already had that broken foot...

The following day was my family's turn for a feast. My mom is the best cook. I may have had 4 or more pieces of lefse.

After eating, we all watched Terry and Noah play Super Mario Brothers until we couldn't stand it anymore.

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