Tuesday, July 24, 2018

VBS 2018

I didn't have a VBS post for last year like normal since we were on sabbatical and only had to drop off so this summer we were back to the usual crazy VBS routine directly after the bike trip. We were tired but we got it done. Oh, and as a huge bonus, Terry didn't have to organize the games! The mens team partnered up and owned it. They did amazing. So while Terry didn't have to be there, I did since I was the photographer. It was so weird! 

The first night, Sunday June 17th, these guys were cracking me up. Love it. 

Samuel front and center.

Amanda and Suzie did the snack stand. 

Evie with the hula hoop.  

Samuel sling shotting a ball during their first game.  

Apparently I worked the next day, Monday June 18th. Oh yes I remember why! I went in just for three hours so I would have enough hours to renew my license. On this day I also discovered that from here on out I need to work more in order to keep my license updated. Therefore I'm starting to take most Thursday afternoons. 

Monday evening VBS festivities. 

Samuel playing soccer. 

Ezra kicks ball!

Ezra kicks air!

Ezra pulls rope.

Ezra tries not to let on that he knows I am photographing him and he doesn't like it...or does he. I still haven't figured him out. He seems to like the attention and hate it in equal measures. I dunno.

Evie also trying not to notice she's being photographed.

Behind to the left of the floating balloon. 

Hey he's got a ring! 

And actually this night, Tuesday, I didn't go to VBS although I had planned to. Terry went as photographer so I could go play sand volleyball and I was going to take over when I was done. However it absolutely poured while we played so I had to go home and get dry. As an added bummer, we lost. 

Terry got some cute pics though. 

He painted a rock.

Evie and her small group led by Lynn.  

Evie and Samuel participated in a little skit. 

Samuel doing the awesome craft Chad put together - leather stamping. They made bracelets and he still wears his every single day. 

Asher cracks me up.

Evie and Abigail frantically playing with the parachute. They loved that game.

Katrina and her family in matching Korean flag shirts.  

Her dad was one of six going to Macau to teach English and share the gospel the following month (actually right now).  

That's about it for pictures. Terry did an amazing video so I don't need to add anymore. Just wanted to remember my kids. 

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