Thursday, May 29, 2008

Terry having fun at work

We just returned from a long weekend at home - my bro, dad and Terry's sis had yet to meet Evie. But now the whole fam has and we're back... There are pictures from our trip coming up and some from around here since there has been lotza rain. But for now, since I came back with the flu (yuck. oh Terry said this morning that I sounded like Liv Tyler due to the enlarged tonsils making my voice softer), I thought I'd do a post on Terry.

Terry is pretty good about bringing the camera to events and youth group, catching all the fun stuff he does with the kids...

On youtube there's some commercials with Chuck Norris endorsing Mike Huckabee and they're pretty funny, one in particular where the two of them go back and forth kind of building the other up. My favorite line is when Mike says that when Chuck does a push up he's not pushing himself up, he's pushing the earth away. These first two pictures remind me of that line b/c Terry's doing group push ups.

What nice form he has.

This was a group building event for the high school leaders of a junior high camp that's coming up this summer. Check out Terry's concentration and strength in action. All that weight lifting is really paying off.


This is a game played at the final junior high youth group of the year. It didn't end up working but the kids had fun anyway. There were 3 groups that picked someone to duct tape to the wall of "the building" (a previous restaurant that had a fire and is consequently owned by 4 members of our church and thus where youth group is held). The kids stood on chairs while they were taped up and then the chairs were removed to see who would stay on the wall the longest. I wasn't there, but Terry said no one stayed on the wall. This game has worked in the past though.

Terry explaining things.

Probably laughing at the kids falling down.

1 comment:

  1. look, at all those gothenburg punks. looks like terry's having fun with them! sorry you've been sick!!

