Friday, November 7, 2008

home grown pumpkins...just not at this home

This last summer Terry's parents had quite the garden going on. We've received tomatoes and cucumbers and sweet pickles from them. But they were especially excited to grow Noah some pumpkins. When they told me this I was expecting, I dunno, smallish pumpkins. But that's not what we received when Terry's aunt and uncle, JoAnn and Herb brought these back home:

I thought they turned out pretty big since they came from a tiny seed!
So here is the one that Terry carved out with Noah.
We were going to take a family shot of the finished product but Noah was too slow to jump up with Daddy before the timer went off. See him gesturing there? Funny.
This is better. It totally wouldn't have looked nice in the kitchen anyway. A sink for a backdrop? I don't think you'll see that in any studio...
Noah said, "It's glowing!" .
Random: the kids playing later that night.

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