Monday, February 15, 2010

valentine tradition in the making

Terry came up with the brilliant idea of combining Valentine's Day with a high school fundraiser. He organized a progressive dinner where the students serve couples. The proceeds will help send them to a week long conference this summer called Challenge in Ohio. I helped a little with the logistics, as a sounding board to Terry (he's says I'm invaluable in this role =)), and the games by drawing on a friend's experience with this sort of thing.

We had a sign up for the food required. We even did a video to promote it at church. 17 couples originally signed up. But several kids/people were sick and one couple had a baby! So I think we served 13-14 couples.

It was very confusing how we got everyone through their houses so I'll leave that out. It's enough to say that we had two soup/salad houses, two main course houses (lasagna) and one dessert "house" which was at the church.

Terry and I were at the church for the dessert so that's all I have pictures of, for now.

Doesn't it look awesome?! For the record, I didn't decorate. This is out of my ability!

Here are two boys that took coats and opened up the door.

Here is our combined first group.

Here are the kids pouring drinks. Nice pinky point Ben. =)

Cheese cake was the winner of the night. Here is a cake that didn't really get eaten but was pretty nonetheless. It will find a home at youth group on Wednesday though.
We provided childcare on the other end of the church. Apparently it takes three girls to look after Evie and a baby =)

Here is the first group again, this time with ambiance =)

Here is the second group, and overlapping group one who just finished.

Here are a couple friends, Shawn and Becki.

More service to Dale, Myra, Jeremy and Trish.

Heidi, Bruce, Joyce, Terri and Lane, who looks just like my dad

Having finished serving dessert, the boys help themselves.

I'm totally making this Terry's new profile picture. Look out!

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