Tuesday, April 6, 2010

vexing cessation

I am aware of at least two people who probably never come to my actual blog since they receive emails whenever I post, so this is mostly for them...Grampa and Gramma B!

So, I am just so proud of myself. I have figured out something that has vexed me for a while: the photo header on my blog. First it was too small and then when I changed it was HUGE. I mean, so big. So I did some reading and learned that if I edited my own photo and uploaded it, complete, it would all work more smoothly and I wouldn't have to learn computer talk: HTML, whatever that is.

So here is the finished product! I downloaded a photo editing program called GIMP. I have no idea how to use all it's cool features, or even the know-how to know if they are cool features, but I did figure out how to add text. And text was the only thing I wanted. Perhaps later I can mess with colors and stuff, but right now, I am extremely satisfied.

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