Tuesday, November 23, 2010

atta boy

Noah got his hair cut today by his professional mother. Not one whine or cry. He's a big boy now.
I need to further edify my son. Last night we had some friends over for dinner and we amused them with a story about a youth group student.

I came home from bible study several weeks ago to a most unusual comment from this student (Terry had them over for a bible study of their own). As I walked by the staircase to say hello, said student exclaims, "Wow Eva, you're getting fat!"


Terry and the rest of us instantly berated the student and they began to explain that they only meant that I was getting bigger b/c of the baby, not that I was actually fat. I thought it was quite hilarious and enjoyed telling the student's mother about it. HA!

So as we're re-telling this story last night, Noah is listening even though I didn't realize he was tuned in. After we got done laughing he broke in and said that No, mommy is not fat, she has a baby growing inside of her!

What a sweet boy I have =)