Saturday, November 13, 2010

rakin leaves

Terry is gone all day today for his junior and senior high 30 Hour Famine and me and the kids were getting kinda bored! The leaves in the backyard have been really bugging me since we got back from SD so I thought I'd rake some of them into a pile for the kiddies to play in. We read a book last week about Clifford jumping into crunchy leaves so I thought the time was right.

She didn't mind the leaves in her hair, but if any went down her coat, she freaked. It was nap time after this.

Noah imitates his mommy

Monkey see, monkey do

These aren't that great of photos since they're off my cell phone, but you can see the size of the pile, which grew after the kids went inside... Plus, you may be able to see the line of leaves in the yard where I stopped raking.

The lines of leaves in the lawn irritated me so I raked up the rest of them and shoveled them into the big pile. Pretty impressive for an almost 8 month pregnant lady, right?

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