Here is me at 40 weeks pregnant. Past 40 weeks actually.
I'm 3 days past my due date of Wednesday, January 26. says baby is approximately 7 1/2 pounds and 20 inches long.
Noah was a week late, 6#13oz and 19 inches.
Evie was 2 days late, 7#5oz and 19.5 inches.
So who knows. I appear to grow bigger babies every time. From the photo and mirror, it appears to be a pretty big baby in there!
I'm hanging in there, though a little disappointed that I didn't go early...or on my due date. Just holding out hope that I don't go "too" late (over a week would not be cool to me). So that's what we're praying. I've had to adjust my sour attitude many times in the last week. My parents arrived on Wednesday (the due date) and will be here til I kick them out. They are helpful but I hope baby doesn't keep us all waiting for too long.