Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve

Last night was the last night of 2010. For the last two or three years Terry has taken youth group students to a camp just up the interstate from here. We decided to do it at our house this year.

Evie even got to stay up a little later. Noah was melting so he had to go to bed (he was upset that mommy brushed his teeth instead of daddy and would not get over it).

Rebecca brought her new dancing Wii game. Terry tried it and I should have recorded it. All he did was move his right hand b/c that's where the sensor was and was all that mattered. He still did terrible but I pry wouldn't have done any better, pregnant or not.

Terry brought the Wii and projector from the building and put it in the dungeon, which was a good place for the rowdy dancing, Nerf gun wars and competitive Risk game that took place.

After playing a couple group games, the students dispersed - this room was for a movie. At midnight everyone came up for the countdown. We wouldn't let them scream since the kids were asleep. I saw a complaint about that on facebook so perhaps we'll do the party at the building next year. But I think they did have a nice time. And isn't our couch great for parties? That's the idea!

And this is what happens when we stay up til 130am and Evie wakes up early b/c her pull-up failed.

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