Friday, June 20, 2008

a good night but sad morning

Here we are doing the corny take-your-own-picture-which-unfortunately-didn't-turn-out-so-well thing in front of Ruby Tuesday where we had dinner at for our anniversary last night. Afterwards we went to Indiana Jones at the theater and almost had the place to ourselves...except for about 6 other people. We really liked the movie and only thought it was over the top when they went down 3 huge waterfalls and survived. Ha. Couldn't quite escape G-burg though as we ran into some high schoolers afterwards in the lobby. I made Terry blush joking about staying for another movie with the kids accompanied by my pump in the back row...and sound effects. Then we shared some really really rich Cold Stone Giardelli chocolate ice cream. Yum. Came home to find the baby crying and ready for bed.
Here's what Evie did while we were almost gone - modeled the blanket my mom made for her.
Okay, now we're definately gone and Noah and Evie, or mostly Noah, are enjoying an afternoon video.
Evie ready for bed.
So, I think we all enjoyed my parents visit and I was definately sad to see them go this morning. Back to doing my own dishes and letting Evie cry. Ho hum.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of Evie on your mom's blanket is a beautiful one.
