Thursday, June 5, 2008

recent weather

It's been raining and storming a lot here (thundering right now). When we drove back into town last Tuesday from home there were two huge cottonwood trees tipped over into the lake. They had been just on the edge of the water and due to erosion and and the rain, they just fell over. I wanted to get a shot of it but it was removed before I recovered from the flu.

Also as an insight into my own selfishness... The huge storms with tornados and hail are interrupting regularly scheduled programming. One such example was last Thursday, the evening of the much anticipated LOST finale. Yes, I am a Lostie and proud of it. So there were 6 tornados running through a neighboring town and the ABC network were of course covering it. I was upset that they were interrupting my show. I was slightly appeased when they announced that they had received many phone calls about the finale and to rest assured b/c they would re-aire it in full. At least I'm not the only selfish one out there.

So with all of this rain, our lawn was in great need of a mow but we couldn't get to it until Saturday - a week and a half since it was last done. Terry had to raise the height of the mower and do it again Tuesday evening. We'll have to keep doing it twice a week. Here are a few pictures of us enjoying the long grass.

You can see our rhubarb there in the back of us - tons.
There in the middle is the patch that we planted grass on (formerly a garden from the previous pastor...a terrible place for one)


My feet.


Me and Noah's feet...and of course his mower.

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