Monday, June 8, 2009


I don't even know if I've spelled "souvenirs" correctly. You'd think I'd know after working in Mt. Rushmore's gift shop for 5 summers. I guess that's what spell check is for...

At any rate. As I mentioned in my Mexico post, we didn't do anything touristy in Orizaba. Therefore, we didn't have a chance to get any Mexican toy souvenirs for Noah and Evie. We ended up buying a couple things at the Mexico City airport. Lame I know, but at least it was in Mexico.

Noah got an "authentic" Mexican soccer jersey. We try to get him to like soccer b/c Terry likes it and would like to play it w/him and he could play it at his age, but he really doesn't care for it that much (sorry I said "like" so much).
The back. Oh yeah, we got Evie a wooden, carved maracca.
I'll throw one of Evie up too since she's so cute. She's wearing an outfit that my friend Olivia got her when she was born. It was too small so I purposely brought it back to RC w/me and exchanged it for a larger size. There, she's worn it!
This is too cute. Noah was giving Evie all these little kisses. It was kind of like a game. It made her laugh, which made him laugh, which made him want to do it more. There's hardly anything better than hearing them laugh - so cute, especially Noah who rarely lets one escape his serious lips.

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