Sunday, June 26, 2011

the big roll

Samuel might be a little wiry, but he sure is strong. Actually, when I looked up "wiry" it already means strong: being lean, supple, vigorous, sinewy. That pretty much sums up Samuel.

Would you believe this picture was taken after he rolled from his back to his belly? It's true. Monday, June 20th was his first roll. He's only 4.5 months! My other kids did this much later. But they were back sleepers...

Here's the proof:

1 comment:

  1. Finn. 9 months. non-roller. good job samuel! I am really not concerned - i think - he is the most content baby i've had. And why not, when he has two brothers that meet all his needs. Non-crawler too, which my 1st 2 had mastered by now!
