Wednesday, June 6, 2012

the red cast

Noah broke his arm on Tuesday, May 22. We went for a follow-up appointment five or six days ago where they put fiberglass over what had been just a splint - and it will stay on for two weeks. Noah was very excited about his red cast. As soon as we got home he was all about us signing it. Just today at Storybook Island, his friend Asher signed it as well (yes, can you believe I had a Sharpie in my purse?!). In another 9 days he will have this cast sawed off and a shorter one put on for another two weeks. Then he'll finally be done. And he can go swimming. And ride his bike (with bubble wrap on). And take his own showers. And go to the bathroom unaided. But most importantly he will be able to wash his stinky hand. Ug. Mama can't wait.

Like the photos of Noah reading (above) and doing math (below). We are no longer letting the broken arm be an excuse and are trucking along, trying to just finish his kindergarten math book for the summer. But I am having him read some first grade worksheets (yay!). And we will continue reading books through the summer. Currently we are almost done with The Wizard of Oz. We are loving it. It's much better than the movie (of course) and so much less scary (thankfully).

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy!!

    ...but I got a cast in Junior High, and secretly loved it.
