In case you didn't know...I'm pregnant! I'm 18 weeks along, due at the end of January. Being our third child, I wasn't in a hurry to get the news out there. I thought it would make the early stuff go by quicker if I didn't tell people until I was about showing. So that's what we did. Now I'm definitely showing, though I think I gained less weight at this point when I was pregnant with Evie, though hopefully I won't gain 60 pounds like I did with Noah... I had a horrible dream last night that Terry and I had a huge yelling fight and he called me a fat bleepidy bleep. All I remember is the fat part though. Of course, he doesn't think that. =)
We are not planning on finding out the gender since we have clothes and everything for both a girl and boy. I am excited for a surprise, but it is more work coming up with two names, which we're working on, but no where near ready.
We are a little bit nervous for a third b/c our house, already quite loud and chaotic, will only get more so! I keep hearing that 3 is a lot different than 2, being outnumbered by your kids. So we are anticipating that change.
So that's that.
What a beautiful bump!