Thursday, December 5, 2013

tree hunting 2013

Since we had such a busy Thanksgiving weekend, we were going to put off tree hunting until the following weekend in December. However, after a friend reminded us of the frigid temperatures that were coming (it's like 5 degrees out), we changed our minds. We got the boys up from naps early and headed into the hills. 

We went to the same place as last year, hoping there'd be a tree we overlooked - it was pretty sparse before. Headed out with only the iphone for photos...blah.

 Even Samuel and Ezra got to come this year so we couldn't take the Blazer and the handy trailer. Terry had to tie the tree down around the van!

The older kids and I climbed to the top of the hill hoping for more trees. No luck.  

When we got back down, Noah headed off to find Daddy who was examining a potential tree.

That car seat cover was such a good investment. Widdle Ez is all comfy and cozy and warm. 

After much deliberation between this tree and the one down the road, we decided on this one. It was too tall for our house, but since it wasn't 20 feet tall, we could still take it and not be breaking the rules.

It was at this point that I went and grabbed the real camera. Much better. Noah and Evie had a little sword fight while Daddy cut the tree down.

That's my lumberjack.

Cute girl. She threw up seven times the following night. That wasn't so cute.

I went to feed Ezra and put Noah in charge of the camera. This is what happened.

But at least he took a good one of Terry and I. 

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