Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas at my house

Christmas at my house. Hmmm, what to say. The only real tradition we have is that we take turns opening presents after dinner, which I love. I loved it even as a kid. You know, you sooooo look forward to opening gifts and by doing it this way (w/all my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents) it was bound to last a couple hours.

<-- That's my parent's living room. Quite cozy. Notice the deer head? It's decorated too. =) That dog bed was Noah's bed/play area for movie watching fun. He watched quite a few movies due to the subzero temperatures...

So, first we ate ham for dinner and then cleaned up. We proceeded sit down in the crowded living room to open presents the traditional way. We may have to change it until the kids are older though. Evie was past her melting point and Noah was sick...

Evie checking out a ribbon.
Noah inspecting a gift.

Nathan and Ana show off their carpet sliders Steph and I found after Thanksgiving. They're like indoor skiis for carpet. My brother nearly killed himself on the stairs.
Somehow I always end up on the floor. Kids will do that to you I guess.
I'm laughing b/c Steph totally got me a David Archeletta CD. For those of you who appropriately don't watch American Idol like adults should, he was the runner up from last year. He was my fav but I would have never bought a CD...
Helping the girl to open what was her own little train since Noah got more than his fair share of them. =)
See? His saw-eet new track courtesy of Gramma Kveene.
A nice little love note to go w/something special Terry got me...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like you had an eventful Christmas. Wish we could have met up. Talk to you later!
