Perhaps I just needed a change when I looked in the mirror, but I think I look alright in my sweet new glasses. Of course, don't get me wrong, it would be sweeter to have LASIX and not bother w/the glasses at all and just get bangs or something for a change... But you know, glasses are less expensive right now. However, I am still considering the bangs...
Anyway, all my ramblings aside, I really needed glasses. Check these old babies out:
Yeah. The reason they're so bad, if you couldn't tell, is that they have two different ear pieces neither of which were bound to hold out very much longer. See, I got these from Pillen Optical in Rapid for $50. Not bad except both ear pieces fell off sometime after we moved to Gothenburg!!! So the nice ladies at our optometrist's office put on spare pieces and told me they wouldn't hold for very long. I especially like the thin one that doesn't even set on my ear - I think it's b/c the other ear piece is too short and jams down hard on that ear which raises the other side which is too wimpy to hold any weight b/c of how skinny the ear piece is and how heavy the glasses are - a tri-fold problem if you couldn't follow that... So obviously there was nothing I could do to make them straight on my face.
It's a bummer that my eyes haven't changed b/c the old lenses were fine. But they just weren't going to last... Listen to me. I'm trying to justify new glasses. I must have been raised by someone who didn't like to spend money (...ha! hear hear!).
And one more pic in case you wanted to see the sweetest little girl (not me BTW). Oh, and speaking of sweet little girls, now I understand what Bono meant when he said, speaking of his firstborn daughter, "You understand why wars are fought, you understand why men want to own land, you understand why women are so smart, because they have to be" (U2 by U2). Thanks Bono.
i REMEMBER those old glasses! i love the new ones! and eva, what in the world?! your nose is completely in proper balance to the rest of your face (which is perfect!)