Saturday, December 26, 2015

dungeon play

I have several different random photos of the kids playing that I've grouped together here. 

When Noah was a toddler, we started out with just a few Thomas train tracks and he would have daddy build him a new track every single day. We've found tons more tracks from garage sales over the years and have a large collection. When Samuel became old enough to be interested, he'd ask Noah to build him tracks. But now Samuel is becoming quite the train track builder as you can see from the photo below. Ezra is getting better about not destroying the whole thing. Though he does love to do that just to bug Samuel.
And FYI, that rug is not a random dead guy on our carpet like several facebook friends thought. It's an awesome rug of Han Solo frozen in carbonite

We limit video games to a few hours on the weekend. Evie and I don't like them at all so you can guess who does...

The one game I do like is the Michael Jackson dancing Wii game Terry got me for my birthday. No, I will not post the video of me dancing. 

More tracks! 

Terry wrapped Noah up as a burrito and threw the other boys on top as toppings :) 

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